A Letter

Recently I stumbled across a letter, and would like to share it with you.  I pray it brings you hope in this season we have all found ourselves in.  Please read below.

My dearest friend,

I cannot imagine from your place what it feels like to be living through these tumultuous times.  How I wish I had been able to bring you up here to stay with me before this all began. 

But I know there is much benefit to us walking through the storms of life, even more than being delivered out of them.  However, it still breaks my heart to know of the pain and fear you must continue to fight through.

Today, as I walked across the meadow that overlooks the city, I could see the fears and anxieties that before I could only sense.  It was as if this tragedy, this sickness, was exposing a greater sickness that has lived unhindered within the souls of men.  I was reminded of a prophecy of the end of all time, when men’s hearts would grow weak and fear would overtake them.  I’m afraid we must not be too far off, if it is apparent now that most are consumed with dread over what may or may not take place.

My dear, remember that fear will attempt to raise specific situations and circumstances to the forefront of your mind.  It will try to rule your thoughts and direct them only on the path of worst-case scenarios.  But there is no peace in this way of thinking, because there is no trust.  And because there is no trust, then no love can exist.  And without love, well, without love, we are not truly alive.  

Oh how I long for you to be truly alive.  To not fear as those around you do.  To know and believe that each day is ordained for your benefit and your blessing.  Even these days, yes, even these days.  

I am reminded of a conversation I had recently with one of my daughters.  I spoke to her of adventure.  And reminded her that a true adventure has good moments and terrifying ones.  But we must embrace both as valuable.  And we must learn to stand in the face of tragedies not as humans who have much to lose, but as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God, who have so much to gain!

I am confident even in your current trial that you will be found clothed in the purity that only enrobes those who trust and obey.

And I cannot wait to see you, what you look like, on the other side of this.

Your friend as always,


Ammoris is one of the main characters in a book I am about to release called ‘Before the Clock Ticks’.  It is a book focused on our connection to God. It uses the story of an ordinary man’s journey to relay the critical importance of our time here on earth.  What happens before the clock ticks and after it stops is invaluable to our perspective of what lies in between.  News of the release of this book will be through our newsletter.  You can sign up at anytime here at www.TheCompassSeries.com (just scroll to the bottom of any page)

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