Your 2 greatest weapons...
Your two greatest weapons…
Will cost you your life.
There are moments throughout our journey, where our enemy reveals his cards. These two strategic perspectives have been two of those moments for me.
Now, what I am going to share with you will challenge many of your feelings in a conflict and in a moment of criticism, but it will also ensure you a speedy process toward freedom and growth.
These are not to be shared with those whom you are in a conflict with. They are to be personalized and internalized. The only sharing of this principle that I would consider good, would be to someone who is asking for help on their personal journey of conflict with others.
The reason why this is so powerful for us is that the conflict and criticism you face from others, especially those who lash out due to their own wounds, is what will naturally separate you from them. It will stir things in your heart that cause you to build walls and stay away from engaging. Those in need, are crying out for someone to come and be there. I don't believe you have to agree with everything, but assuring them that you are not forsaking them is essential. If you are keeping your distance for fear of being wounded, then they will only grow further from rescue. Hear me out, it is not your job to rescue, but it is your job to keep the lifeline that you've been asked to hold onto, available.
What goes out.
It is essential that we do not just work towards stifling any criticism of others that would attempt to come out of our mouths, but that we would also monitor it. What comes out in moments of frustration with another’s actions or words is simply, reaction. Our reactions tend to reveal the state of our hearts. Therefore, the judgments that we speak about or to others can be so revealing about what is actually happening inside of us.
There have been plenty of times when I’ve talked about someone else and their flaws that seemed so obvious to me and yet, I was completely unaware of the fact that I could only see their flaws because I had the same issues in my own life.
This truth began to become very apparent when I was standing face to face with someone and they began to spew out judgments over my character. They went on and on berating me for areas of weakness that I honestly didn’t feel like I struggled with. So, I took all of this back to the Lord and asked Him to show me where I was failing in these areas. Instead, he took me to the passage of the man who had the plank in his own eye. And he showed me that when someone speaks in a certain judgment about you and your actions, and that issue is not either a controlling issue in your life or, it is of the past, they are only able to see because the demonic influence in their own lives gives them the discernment to do so. It's similar to how a Major League baseball player can go to a little league game and pick out the kids who will excel in the sport over time. If we have a lot of practice in an area, then we will naturally be able to see that same issue in someone else.
The enemy knows this and uses it to bolster some to feel as if they are the opportunity for the Lord to speak into other's lives about their failings and sin issues.
This first weapon is taking what is easy to condemn others for, and asking God to reveal how I am actually wrestling with that very issue.
You see the enemy brings this weapon in to cause division and destruction, but we can take it out of his hands and use it for our growth and benefit.
The next time you are so angry and the judgments are about to pour out of your mouth or through your thoughts over that person, take a step back and think, ‘would I rather use the enemies weapon for him or against him?’
And then find some space and quiet and ask the Lord, 'What about me? Where is this weakness that I'm seeing in that person, manifesting in me?'
What comes in.
This weapon takes complete death to self to wield. It is becoming solid like a rock in a moment of turbulence, chaos, and pain.
Now, sometimes these moments are simply the attack of the enemy and are meant to tear us down without any truth in them. But at other times, they are revealing even the smallest root that is inside of us, that the enemy would like to bury deeper and the Lord would love to reveal.
So, the next time you are standing face to face with an accuser who is telling you about all of the evil that exists inside of you, I want you to try this. Simply listen, and allow that person to get everything out. Pray that Jesus would be your right guard in the midst of the attack. If they finish or pause waiting for your response then assure them that you are listening and want to make sure that they get out all of their concerns. Pay attention to what they are saying without receiving it into your heart. It's easiest to picture yourself taking everything that they said and placing it into a bag. Once they assure you that they are finished, thank them for their concern for your journey, and assure them that you will take it to the Lord.
Then do just that. Carry that bag to the Lord and dump it out in front of Him. Ask Him to sift through it and to sift through you, and find if there is any truth to these things that have been brought to you. You see, it doesn't matter if the person came to attack you, or to win an argument, it only matters that you are free in Christ. Therefore use any possible source and means to that end. Some of these conversations with the Lord will be the quickest you’ve ever had. I’ve actually heard Him chuckle when I brought these things in humility to Him. And I know that this was just an attempt to distract me. And yet, at other times it will open up an area of weakness that I had no idea was there. You see, sometimes the enemy gives to anyone who will be his mouthpiece, parts of truth about us that are invaluable.
But the most important question in all of this is, are you willing to die to your flesh? Your flesh will fight for what’s just, but in some circumstances that will actually stunt your growth and intimacy with the Lord. Humility is your greatest ally. We must be able to take these attacks, and turn around and destroy the enemy in the battle. And friend, this is the only way to do this. At times it will absolutely infuriate the messenger when you do not respond with retaliation, but you can kindly remind them that this is important to you and you want to speak to Jesus about it before anyone else. Now if there is blatant sin in your life that is a different story altogether, and you must walk the road of repentance. But what I am speaking of are small areas that have gone undetected but are damaging nonetheless.
These weapons, when used properly, will do two things: they will drive you to a true humility that allows you to grow incredibly mature, and they will begin to defer these attacks that come against you. Once the secret gets out that you are using the enemy’s tactics against him, he’ll stop. The last thing he wants is you becoming more humble, and getting more free!
Take a minute and think through the last moment of conflict you had, whether you were on the giving end or the receiving end, turn it around and ask Jesus to show you what can be revealed in your own life. Then journal your findings.