The Return of the servant
Once upon a time there was a rather large estate that was owned by a very wealthy man. In fact he was so wealthy, that this estate was not his only one. He would travel throughout the year to the different properties that he owned, only staying at each one for a month or so. Regardless, he would leave somewhat abruptly, without much notice, and would return in the same manner.
Upon leaving he would entrust that estate under the watch of one of his servants. He would name them the lead servant and give them directions as to the care of the estate in its entirety.
One day, he was about to leave one of his favorite estates. It was a 200 acre ranch that hugged the coastline of a seemingly magical ocean. Here the many servants would care for his sheep and cattle, small farm, main house and servants quarters.
Each day there was much to do, and each day the servants enjoyed their work and their position, simply because they knew who they were, and how kind and generous their master was.
As the master loaded his last bag into the wagon, he called Elton, his lead servant, over to himself.
“Now Elton, you know all the workings of this estate. You are a hard worker and I trust that you will be able to watch over my estate until I return. My journey may be longer than at other times, I do not know. I have much to take care of. Remember all that I’ve taught you about being a good leader.”
Elton smiled and replied, “Master, I will do my best.”
“I know you will,” chuckled the master. And with that he placed his signet ring on Elton’s finger and was off.
It was but a few days until something went terribly wrong. Many of the cattle appeared to become sick. Elton called all of the servants together and told them his plan. They would first herd the cattle into a fenced pasture, and then walk throughout the pasture looking for any signs of what could be causing the ailment.
In a matter of two days they had discovered a wild vine, known as Agaroot, which only grew near the coast in a few provinces. This root when eaten would make one terribly ill.
They removed all that they found and burned them in a large fire. They then put an antidote in the watering troughs and the cattle recovered in a matter of days.
Life continued on for months at the ranch, and various problems came up, but Elton proved to be a steadfast leader.
At about a year’s time there was no sign of the Master. They all wondered when he would return.
At about two year’s time they began to wonder if all was okay.
Needless to say, Elton continued to lead the ranch as well as all the other servants who were there, and the yield of cattle, sheep and produce grew significantly.
Elton began to enjoy the praise he received for his accomplishments and as time went on, he traded his work boots for a pair of loafers. Whereas he used to walk through the fields and speak with the others, he would now only ride in a wagon, driven by one of the other servants. When questioned about this change, he simply stated that it was fitting for him to do this since he was in charge and it also allowed him to move more quickly throughout the estate.
One night he decided to stay in the main house overnight. He assured the others that this was appropriate since most of his work took place there anyway.
After a time he began to run the main house as if it were his own. He invited certain other servants whom he trusted to be on his side, to stay in the main house as well. He of course stayed in the master’s suite, but allowed the others to stay in one of the many other rooms as long as they continued to show their allegiance to him and bolster his ego.
One day there was a great uproar as some of the servants confronted Elton and the others, who were now his close allies.
“You cannot do this to our master’s estate,” they cried. “You are a servant just like us, are you not?”
“I’m sorry that you cannot see this, friends, but we are not. For we have been given charge over this estate, and therefore, we are no longer servants.”
They argued and argued into the night, but Elton’s mind had been changed over time as had his perspective. He now fully believed and taught his close friends the same, that he and they were no longer servants, but they were as the master himself. He of course made sure that his close friends realized that they were a little less than him, in order to keep rank, but all the same, they had left their roles of servitude to be joined with the elite. The ones who no longer took orders, but now created them.
One day, many years later, an old man approached the front gate. He had a cane, small satchel, and grayish silver hair. He looked as if he had traveled far and was in need of food and water.
“Hello,” he said to one of the servants passing by. “Might I trouble you for some water, and possibly a biscuit?”
“Yes, of course,” said the kind servant. “Come this way.”
They approached the main house and entered.
Elton was reclining in a chair in the reading room as the servant and the old man walked by.
“Oh that must be the master of the house.”
“Uh, no…” replied the servant.
But overhearing the man, Elton immediately stood up and walked toward them.
“Yes, sir. I am, and what can we do for you on this fine day.”
“I would ask for some water and a biscuit, if I may.”
“Why yes of course, then you may be on your way,” Elton replied.
“I wonder, might I stay for a night to rest before I continue on my journey? It appears that you have many rooms here.”
“Oh my, we would love the opportunity to host you here, but I’m afraid that all of our rooms are being used.”
“Of course, sir. Is there a celebration happening?” Asked the man.
“Haha, every day is a celebration here,” Elton replied.
“Oh, I see,” said the old man.
“You know what, we do have room in the servant’s quarters. If you would like you may stay there, but just for one night, and then you must be on your way.”
“Of course sir, thank you for your hospitality.”
That night the old man fell asleep to the peaceful songs of the servants who didn’t always love what they did, but loved who they were. They sang songs about the Master and how kind he was and how work was better with a smile. And there in the servant’s quarters the old man felt a joy that filled up the atmosphere, so much so, that discomfort became unnoticeable.
The next morning the old man decided to stop by the main house.
Elton was sitting on the porch eating his breakfast.
“Thank you sir, for the warm bed.”
“Ah yes, of course. You are welcome,” Elton said while briefly glancing up from his table.
“Sir, might I ask you a question?”
“Yes, of course, but then you must be on your way. I have much to take care of on this ranch.”
“Your ring, I noticed it yesterday. What does it mean?”
Puzzled, Elton looked down at the signet ring he had been given. “I haven’t a clue. It was given to me by a friend. It appears to have an unknown language inscribed upon it.”
“I know the language sir, if you would like I would interpret it for you.”
Elton could only imagine how this inscription would speak of power and glory.
“Yes of course, please do,” he replied.
“It simply says, ‘the wearer of this ring is the servant of all’”.
“Uh yes,” Elton stammered. “Well, you must be on your way, and I have much to do. Good day to you, sir.”
“Yes sir,” Elton replied hesitantly to the old man, not wishing to receive any more embarrassing information.
“You have forgotten who I am, and you cannot even recognize me. I am your master. And you have forgotten who you are, you are my servant. Elton, I did not ask you to become like me, I asked you to serve me, and become a part of my family.”
Elton terrified with the reality that was now opened before his eyes, fell to his knees. And as stories of this nature go, Elton made the decision that only he could make. It is a difficult decision that all of us must make. Shall we move on to another place where we can hide in comfort and disbelief, or will we take the path of humility to our true identity, a servant, who through no merit of their own, has been raised up and called a child, and through a grace that is incomprehensible is being trained up to be a son.
But always first and foremost a servant!
This story, a very true picture on our position as humanity, is also very difficult for some. When we have been wounded by family, friends, or a human authority, the idea of submitting to a role of servitude seems counter to everything our heart cries out for. The idea of submission means that we are opening up to the opportunity of getting hurt again. The path that the enemy lays for and invites us onto is to take control of our circumstances and relationships. It is no different than what happened in the heavens far before our time. Lucifer himself pursued more glory than he was given, and his temptation to Adam and Eve was the same. ‘Rise above, Grasp for more, Fight for your place and Take control’ are all mantras of this deception. And it has not changed throughout all of time. It is one of our greatest temptations to grasp for more than we’ve been given.
Malachi 3:16-18 is an incredibly powerful word that should stay in our minds and hearts. I close with it below. Please friends, join me, a fellow servant, as we desire to see more of Him and less of us! For the reward of this is greater than any possible loss here on the earth.
16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name. 17 “They will be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.” 18 So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. (NASB)