You lost your trust

I recently had a dream and in the dream there was a group of people standing around and talking in a room.  I didn’t feel like I was part of the group, but I was present. A baby began crying and wouldn’t stop.  I was waiting for someone to respond, but no one seemed to hear it  and it didn’t seem like there was anyone claiming the child as their own.  I kept wondering why no one was taking care of this baby who had an obvious need and no one to fulfill it.  I immediately knew what to do to calm this baby down.  I picked the baby up and sat down on a recliner chair that was in the middle of the room and began to sing this song that I had heard before, to her.  It is called ‘See you soon’, and the lyrics go:  ‘In a bullet proof vest with the windows all closed, I’ll be doing my best I’ll see you soon.  With a telescope lens when all you want is friends.  I’ll see you soon.’  And then the bridge simply repeats, ‘you lost your trust, you lost your trust.’

The baby stopped crying as I was singing and all was at peace again.

I believe this dream has so much significance for the body of Christ right now.  First of all, the baby represents where we are at as an American church. (I include myself in this.  The Lord is revealing ares of infancy in my own life as well) In many ways we are still in infancy.  We are crying out at any discomfort that isn’t satisfied, and ultimately we don’t even know the source of our discomfort.  What we are crying for is rescue.  It is for someone to come and take away whatever the issue may be.  We are hellbent on finding a solution that uses as much miraculous power as possible and requires little of us personally.  No one judges or despises a baby for crying when it is in need, but there is an expectation that at some point the baby will grow up and learn to communicate for their own needs in a way that reveals maturity and trust.

The people surrounding this baby did not hear the cry of the baby.  In other words, there are many around and especially in leadership who are simply unaware of the true needs of the church right now.  Many think that the church just needs more of the power of God revealed or more of what feels like His presence, while others will claim that we just need to be more devoted to the temple or the reading of scriptures and prayer.  It is the way that it has always been.  Two sides of the pendulum with each one claiming their’s is the true path to God.  And yet the reality is that at the core of all of us, is this simple issue, “We don’t trust God!” In some area or another we hold back, we hide, and we ignore the blaring sign on the wall that reads,  Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.

The need for trust seems elementary and like something that we all just somehow should have received in our salvation packet when we said the prayer at the beginning of our journey.  And yet it is the foundation that has not been laid in many of our lives.  And so we have begun to build through the teachings of the apostles and prophets these structures that are not truly supported, and honestly cannot be supported without the foundation of trust, because Jesus being the chief cornerstone means that everything else hinges on us knowing and trusting Him.

The song that I sang to this child is symbolic of what needed to be heard.  It was the simple message that brought peace to the child.  You lost your trust, and because you lost your trust it’s actually causing a separation between you and God, and others.  Now, just to clarify, it does not separate you from the love of God.  That would be unscriptural and impossible.  However, the separation comes in the realm of intimacy with Him.  You cannot have intimacy in a relationship where trust lacks.  Therefore, trust becomes the catalyst for a deeper relationship with Jesus.

We don’t even realize how far we’ve come from trusting God until we are up against a situation that demands it.  Standing there whimpering, and begging God to take it away from us, and to rain down His many miracles in order to set things back in our favor, we become repulsed at the thought that we could be the ones that need to move and to change.  It never crosses our minds that the gospel we’ve taken a hold of is not His.  We can ask for things to change, we can cry out in our pain, and we should for the sake of staying connected, but if we don’t at some point surrender to His way through the storm, than false beliefs will run rampant in the church and in our own hearts.  The reality is that there are many who love Jesus for His saving and rescuing power, but never understood the requirements of the cross.  And its foundational requirement is to follow Jesus through your life, even unto death.

Once our core need is met, and we understand what it is that is causing the disturbance, we will truly be at peace.  Not an earthly peace that touts freedom from conflict, but a heavenly peace that overflows in all circumstances filling them with hope that cannot be overshadowed.

And this is what is necessary for the next step of the bride, for all of us to awaken to our lack of trust in Jesus, and to allow Him and even beg Him to lead us on the road to where we find it.

It is easy to make a statement of our trust in Jesus, it is more difficult to live it out when trials come.  But friends, this is the journey we signed up for.  We were never promised that this life would be all that we dreamed of.  But, we were given a journey to priceless treasures unmatched by anything found on this earth.  Do not allow your treasures to remain unclaimed.  It is your journey to take!

If any of this resonates and stirs within you of your own journey would you consider praying this prayer below:

Jesus, I recognize that so many things that have surrounded me in this world have attempted to steal my trust in You.  Please forgive me for the things I’ve been aware of, as well as those that I haven’t recognized.  Would you please reveal to me in your perfect timing, who or what these things are and show me the path to trusting you instead of them.  I understand that trusting you is the most important thing on this earth and it is my desire to journey toward deeper trust in You throughout my life.  Please lead me on.

(Now spend time in the silence, just listening and journaling what He brings to your mind.)

I wrote this song some years back when I read Malachi 3:17. What a joy it is to lay down our life in response to all that Jesus has done for us.

stephen santos