Unlike most series which are linear on a timeline, the Compass Series walks around one storyline for the first 3 books, with the fourth book carrying on where the others left off. It is one story from four vantage points. Each book fills in more details about the main characters and is written from a different character’s perspective.
Book “N”, lays out the main storyline from Joshua’s perspective. I liken it to laying the foundation for a house. I’ve had many interesting comments about “N” by readers so far. Some have said it is like a spiritual experience, one person related it to the feeling that the perfect song at just the right moment gives you. Other people have likened it to other books they have connected with. But no matter what your thoughts are on it, the reason it was written and the reality of the experience it invokes is to lead you to where you could not go, without it. This is why the whole series is so important. It was designed to be more than fiction, it was designed to illuminate the next step on your journey through life.
In Book “S”, which is the second book in the series, you will find the story behind Bridget. You will learn the many reasons why she made the choices she did. You will also see further into what happened on that stormy night.
Book “E”, which is the third book in the series, is from Ralph’s perspective. This has a surprising twist to it. And was the most difficult for me to write. From the beginning I’ve told people that if they like “N” then they will love “S” but they will struggle with “E”. For good reason, we tend to prefer the good parts of life but shy away from dark realities.
“W” is the last book of the series. It is the rest of the story, and I consider it the great crescendo. It ties up loose ends, brings clarity to cloudiness, and ultimately helps the reader carry the understanding and revelation out of the story and back into their own life circumstances.
One thing that has become very clear to me in the process of writing and editing these books is that it is beyond a story. This whole series is about an experience. I didn’t set out to try and make people feel things, I was directed to write a book and so I sat down and wrote, and what you will find within the pages of this series is the product. I believe with all my heart that this series is not just about Joshua and Bridget’s journey. It is the story of all of our lives in some way or another. And the true miracle of the story is its ability to uncover your wounds, reveal the path of healing, and encourage you to reach out your hand, receive the invitation and take the next step.
N Book 1
In a world filled with images of broken lives, and broken relationships, Joshua’s story bleeds the beauty of true love onto this canvas.
After carrying his bride through her illness, Joshua finds himself fighting for his marriage and the well being of his two children. He must now step through the pain of a betrayal he did not deserve. Along the way he uncovers the value of surrendering things that seem important and grasping for the things that truly are. Though it is a journey he did not plan, he never imagined what lay on the other side.
S Book 2
The journey toward freedom is rarely a paved road or well-maintained trail. In the struggle to find our way, we learn to use the tools we need to help us on the journey. As Bridget's life unravels, she is joined by two companions--fear and pain. These two crippling emotions direct her way. When she tries to take control of her life circumstances, the quickest path out of her pain ultimately imprisons her. As she faces her guilt she finds that no prison can hold back the freeing power of love. S, the second book of The Compass Series, will both clarify past events and point the way toward what is to come.
E Book 3
In a world vying for our attention, the art of persuasion is, as some would know it, a highly crafted art. Yet for Ralph, it is woven into the fabric of his very nature.
Follow Ralph through his formative years and on, as he uncovers who he is and, ultimately, where he belongs. "E" begs you to confront the reality that not everything in our world is good; nor is evil a force to be dealt with only in the realm of fantasy. Ralph’s presence in each character’s journey illuminates their weaknesses, allowing them to be drawn out of the shadows and dealt with in the light of truth. This third book of The Compass Series will leave you unsettled as you wrestle with the ultimate consequences of Ralph's actions.
W Book 4
FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS resonates across the pattern of each of our lives.
The journey of discovering THE WHY we were put on this Earth is one that each of us must take. Yet in that journey we also uncover the answers to THE HOW, THE WHAT and, ultimately, THE WHO.
W finds Bridget disoriented, confused and struggling to make sense of her world that’s been turned upside down. Follow her through what seems like a maze of realities that eventually lead to One. This fourth and final book of The Compass Series will leave you standing beside Bridget, yearning for the embrace of home and faced with the decision of whether the path that leads there is worth the cost.